Rubriigid: Finantsnipid

Struggling to Stick to Your 2025 Goals? Here’s How to Push Past the Dreaded Drop-off Point:

At the start of 2025, you felt excited about your ambitious 2025 goals. But if you're struggling and feel like giving up, read how to push on:
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Impulse Buy vs. Smart Investment: What’s Your Black Friday Choice?

Will you add to your cart or to your future? This Black Friday, the choice is yours. While it’s tempting to indulge in the sales, the real reward comes from making decisions that support your long-term financial goals.
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5 Smart Black Friday Habits You Need to Boost Your Investment Potential

As an investor, you know that every financial decision you make affects your long-term financial strategy, including how you shop on Black Friday. Savvy spending habits can ensure your money continues to work for you, both in the deals you choose and the investments you make. With the right approach, Black Friday can be an…
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Morning vs. Evening Investors: When is the Best Time to Invest? 🌞🌙

When it comes to investing, you want to make the best decisions, right? You consider things like liquidity, interest rates, and the best time to invest. So, are you an early bird who likes to get things done as soon as the sun rises, or do you prefer to tackle tasks after the day has…
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Three Months Left: You Still Have Time to Make the Most of 2024

There are just 96 days left in 2024. The good news is that you still have time to make those resolutions a reality. Here are five ways to do it:
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Kuidas saavutada oma 2024. aastaks seatud finantseesmärgid veel enne aasta lõppu

Sul on veel aega, et saavutada oma 2024. aastaks seatud finantseesmärgid! Iga lisainvesteering viib Sind sammukese nendele lähemale >>
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Celebrating Every Financial Milestone is Essential. Here’s Why:

Celebrating small wins is crucial to achieving bigger financial milestones. Read more on the importance of rewarding yourself and how to start:
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Raha psühholoogia ehk kuidas mõista ja parandada oma finantskäitumist

Kas Sa oled teinud emotsioonioste või lihtsalt läbimõtlematuid rahalisi otsuseid? Sa ei ole ainus! Loe lähemalt, kuidas edaspidi selliseid hetki vältida ja enda finantskäitumist parandada >>
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7 Affordable Outdoor Activities: Enjoy a Care-free Summer

Summer is here! It’s the perfect time to gather your friends and family and make the most of the warm weather and long days. And with the long school holidays, there's no better opportunity to get outside and have fun (without breaking the bank). Here are 10 budget-friendly outdoor activities to enjoy this summer. 1.…
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7 taskukohast õuetegevust, mille saatel suve nautida

Suvi on lõpuks kohal! Nüüd on ideaalne aeg, et pere ja sõbrad kokku kutsuda ning koos sooje suvepäevi nautida. Ja kuna alanud on ka pikk koolivaheaeg, on ainuõige olla õues ja suveilmadest maksimum võtta (loomulikult ilma, et eelarve lõhki läheks). Järgnevalt pakume välja seitse taskukohast õuetegevust, mida sel suvel üksi, kaaslase või suurema seltskonnaga koos…
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Oled väsinud suurtest pankadest ja nende robotlikust teenusest?
Võta laen Bondorast.

  • Just sulle sobiv laenupakkumine vaid 60 sekundiga
  • Paindlikud tagasimakse võimalused
  • Ei mingeid varjatud kulusid
Alusta kohe
Tegemist on finantsteenusega. Palun tutvu meie teenuse tingimustega kodulehel, vajadusel konsulteeri asjatundjaga.