Exciting platform updates — check what’s new!

They say a change is as good as a holiday. And seeing as our holiday plans have been postponed, we’ve decided to make some exciting changes at Bondora!  We’ve updated the dashboard, added a brand new Wallet feature, improved your user experience, and revamped our office. Read on to see how these changes will make your Bondora experience even better.

Go and Grow platform updates

Out with the old, in with the new

To simplify your experience, we’ve updated our dashboard to show only key information. We’ve also added a Wallet feature (previously known as ‘Main account balance’) that shows the total amount available to withdraw.

Here’s what’s new:

  • Key account figures are all in one place
  • Live return tracker is added
  • Wallet (previously called ‘Main account balance’). We’ve updated the logic surrounding Wallet to make your experience simpler and more intuitive. You can withdraw the amount in Wallet straight to your bank account
  • All Pending payouts are shown
  • The Progress tracker remains in place to help you visualize your goals
  • Transfer to Wallet is a new and simple way to liquidate your Go & Grow account. Just click on the burger icon, select Transfer to Wallet, and confirm your amount
  • Blog articles are moved away from the main view, but you can still find them in the top-right menu of your account

This update isn’t live yet, but it’s coming soon!

Changing customer service for the better

Over the past month our average response time has dramatically improved. And to help you even more, we’re building a new FAQ support site! We’re using machine learning to make finding the right answers to your questions so much easier and faster. Eventually, our aim is to have this helpful site available in the 24 languages our platform currently supports. Watch this space…

Our new and improved ID verification process also means new investors’ accounts are fully up and running even faster. Less admin, more investing!

Hello ‘new’ office!

Due to recent events it’s been the perfect time to redecorate the office. We’ll give you a full video tour next month, but for now you can enjoy this sneak peek. Even though we can’t go on that trip to Hawaii just yet, at least now we can enjoy the beautiful new décor at our office 😉 We’re super excited to welcome investors to the office again once things return to normal.

New office design - Bondora

We hope you’ll enjoy these new changes and updates. Tell us in the comment section below which update you’re most excited about.

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