Bondora blogi

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Bondora Is Looking for Senior Software Engineers

Are you a senior software engineer? Or do you know a senior software engineer that deserves to work in a company where they can thrive and enjoy their work? If you answered 'yes' to either question, read on and please share. We're looking for experienced Senior Developers to join our incredible dev team. We are scaling…
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4 Finance Automation Tips That Can Make You Wealthier

Have you ever counted the time you're spending on paying bills, sending money to an investment account, or buying bonds every month? These repetitive tasks take your focus away from more strategic objectives of achieving financial freedom and wealth. In this article, you'll discover how you can get back your time and gain more control…
Loe lisa

January 2023: €17M+ Each for Originations and Investments

The new year started with a bang! Originations launched into 2023 with an impressive €17,137,703 in loans. Investments followed suit, with investors adding €17,087,257 to their accounts. Both figures increased from their 2022 peak performances in December. Read on for more details: Investment by product Investments rose by 6.7% to a total of €17,087,257. This…
Loe lisa

Investments and Loan Originations Start 2023 off Strong

2023 starts where 2022 ended, with a strong wave of loan originations and investments. Investors added a total of €17,087,257 to their accounts. And loan originations also launched into the new year with an impressive €17,137,703. Read more about the first statistics of 2023: In January, 2,179 new investors joined Bondora. In the same month,…
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The Statistics from 2022 You Want to See

Every month, you can see all the most note-worthy numbers and statistics from Bondora on this blog. From loan originations and investment totals to how much cash was recovered, where most of our borrowers come from, etc. With 2023 in full swing, we’d like to take one last look back at 2022 and summarize the…
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How to Set Up SMART Financial Goals for 2023

Have you heard of the term fresh start effect? It means you can achieve your goal easier when you start your work based on temporal landmarks. New Year is one of them. So, if you’ve decided to achieve a new financial goal, you did it at a great time. You just need the right plan…
Loe lisa

2022 Q4: Go & Grow Portfolio Review

Do you want to know more about how Go & Grow works? Are you curious to know more about the underlying portfolio? Well, then, this portfolio review article is perfect for you. We'll take a closer look at the Go & Grow 2022 Q4 portfolio distribution, the percentage division amongst loan ratings, and more interesting…
Loe lisa

Money Talks: 8 Wealth-related Terms You Should Know

Do you feel overwhelmed by financial terms? Do you want to educate yourself and understand your finances better? Great! Here are eight wealth-related terms you should know to help boost your financial and investment knowledge. Term 1: Inflation Inflation is a price increase that translates into a decrease in consumers' purchasing power. That's because as…
Loe lisa

2022 Origination and Investment Figures End on a High

Origination and investment figures ended 2022 on a high, literally. A total of € 16,107,253's loans were originated in December, which is the highest figure for 2022! Similarly, investments also had their peak performance, totaling €16,050,542. Discover more details here: Investment by product November showed slight declines across all our investment products. Investors added just…
Loe lisa

Most Loan Originations and Investments of 2022, a Portfolio Sale, & More!

2022 ended strong with impressive numbers across our portfolios. December had the highest loan originations and investment figures, over €1M in recoveries, and more! Read more about the most important December statistics: In December, 1,500 new investors joined Bondora. Investors have earned more than €88M in returns on their total investment amount of over €713M!…
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