VIDEO: Weekly summary – November 23, 2016


A deeper dive with the Investment List report

Yesterday we provided information on how users can leverage the granular detail of their holdings through the investments list option on the “Reports” page. By choosing a date range and exporting the information to a CSV file users can sort 129 different metrics comprising their investments. This is a great option for those seeking greater oversight to their Bondora account. In the coming weeks we will provide detail on other reporting options.

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Weekly industry news roundup – November 21, 2016

On Monday we brought you our regular review of the most pertinent news from the world of P2P lending. We discussed findings from Juniper Research indicating that revenues derived from FinTech lending platforms will exceed $10 billion globally by 2020. We posted an article from the Financial Times on some marketplace lenders seeking to expand via a traditional banking license. Additionally, The Hindu Business Line shared data indicating that P2P lending grew to £4.4 billion in 2015. The Huffington Post released an article detailing how P2P platforms are the best alternatives for investors looking for higher returns.

Bondora was mentioned in two German articles – one about it’s decision to remove Primary Market from the user interface; and another about how P2P platforms are currently the best alternatives for investors and borrowers in countries that are underbanked.

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Statistics reports: Track the performance of your defaulted loans

On Friday of last week we showed investors how they can track the effectiveness of recovery efforts with regard to defaulted loans. The “Recovery Rate” feature is a convenient measurement for those seeking to monitor risk within their portfolio. The report can be generated from a variety of parameters to inform the users future investment style.

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Loan funding per channel for October 2016

On Thursday we provided our monthly loan funding by channel update for October marking the final month for manual investing in the Bondora platform. The Portfolio Manager carried 86% of the investment inflows for the month. Manual investing and the API platform represented 8% and 6% respectively. The automation of the Portfolio Manager tool continues to make it a favorite with investors.

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