Black Friday is almost here – Bondora (Video)

So, it’s that time of year again. Black Friday is just days away, and we know you’re scouting out all the best deals and sales. But is it really a bargain if you buy something you don’t need?

Sales are designed to trigger us into buying things we don’t always need. And Black Friday is the mother of all sales. And listen, if you’ve been waiting to get the latest gadget and you can get it at a 75% discount on Black Friday, that’s great.

But before you buy that new hairdryer, or a kitchen appliance you’ll never use, or the latest home entertainment system just because it’s on sale, then think twice before clicking ‘Add to cart’.

Rather use that money you would have spent on something that will gather dust in your cupboard and invest it. Not only can you get returns on your investment, but you’ll also feel great about yourself for not buying things you don’t need.

Just ask yourself:

  • Do I really want this?
  • How many times will I use it?
  • Is this a good investment?

If you use these 3 questions as a guideline, you’ll be a responsible sale shopper!

Bondora monthly video recap

Remember to subscribe to our channel for more financial tips. Keep investing, shop responsibly, and bye for now.

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