How to Create Your Go & Grow Account and Start Investing

So, you want to create your Go & Grow account and start earning returns of up to 6.75%* p.a. with Bondora?

Then you’re in the right place. Let’s get you started with Go & Grow!

How to create your Go & Grow account

You’re just a quick signup away from the world of simple investing!

Here’s how to create your free Bondora investing account:

  1. Sign up at
  2. Verify your identity and bank account to adhere to our security policies and EU regulations
  3. Follow the prompts to create your Go & Grow account
  4. Select your investing goal and click the Create my Go & Grow account button
  5. Add money to automatically start earning up to 6.75%* returns p.a.
  6. Enjoy simple online investing and earning returns

P.S. Want a signup bonus? Ask a friend who already invests with us for their referral code and you’ll both get a cash bonus thanks to our referral reward program.

Fatigué des grandes banques et de leurs méthodes robotisées?
Obtenez le prêt que vous méritez auprès de Bondora.

  • Une offre de prêt personnalisée en ligne en 60 secondes
  • Options de remboursement flexibles
  • Pas de frais cachés
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