Tauri spends about 5 minutes a day on managing his investments

Tauri is an investor at BondoraToday we would like to introduce you to Tauri, another investor at Bondora.

Tauri is one of the thousands of people who started investing with Bondora in 2012.

Tauri works in Estonia in the logistics sector and has originally started investing into Bondora loans, because this asset class is easily accessible to different people and the investment management is relatively simple.

On average, he spends about 5 minutes a day managing his investments, but about an hour or two is dedicated to participating in discussions and blogging about peer-to-peer lending in Estonia.

You can see the performance of his first 3,000 € of investments from the graph below:

Return for Tauri's crowdlending investments

Start investing money wisely into an attractive asset class which until recently was only accessible to banks and institutional investors

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