Loan origination for April, new selling features, industry news


Monthly origination summary for April 2017

On Tuesday we reviewed the loan origination totals for April reaching €2,871,397. This is slightly less than last month but is mostly in line with the average of the last three months. The concentration of originations is found in the “B” through “D” rated loans. The total average interest rate among all countries and all ratings was 35.61%.

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Weekly industry news roundup – May 8, 2017

American Banker examined the trend of small banks seeking P2P solutions for expanding their SBA loan offering.
Tech Crunch reported on a $3 million startup which uses the basic marketplace lending approach to help homebuyers get a mortgage.
Business Insider published an article exploring the state of marketplace lending today.
The Economist looked at the development of fintech (financial technology) and its evolution.
Crowdfund Insider discussed the idea that marketplace lending might actually mature in 2017.
Peer2Peer Finance News cited Bondora as one of the top P2P platforms offering “detailed aggregated statistics.” and transparency.

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Sell loans from one investor to another with our new Direct Sell feature

With this feature you can bundle several loans together or sell an entire portfolio directly to another investor. This option empowers investors to arrange sales to other investors or even consolidate their holdings into a single account.

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Sell multiple loans as portfolios on the Secondary Market

Investors can now use the Secondary Market as a place to sell their bundled loans. This feature will increase liquidity and help in the management of portfolio risk more effectively. Investors can also find and purchase bundled loans as portfolios on the Secondary Market.

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