VIDEO: Weekly summary from Bondora – September 2017


You may have noticed that we are updating our blog more often. Here is what we did in this last week.

Monthly Loan Originations

In this post, we broke down the monthly originations in more detail by credit grade and by country. Estonia still has the most loans issued but Spain is gaining a bigger share on our platform.

We had a record month for originations beating July soundly, over 20% in new originations. Rates are staying pretty consistent with Estonia slightly lower than the same credit grade in Finland, who is slightly lower than Spain.

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Industry News Roundup

In this post, we look at news from around the world and mentions of Bondora within the Europe p2p lending market.

Our 3 industry articles focused on China, India and the US. China is the world’s largest p2p lending market. India’s market is very important for the industry since there are so many people there who are underbanked. The US is the most visible market and the article asks about whether marketplace lending platforms are a good source for a business loan.

Bondora is mentioned in a couple places including the P2P-Banking blog and articles about the Brexit vote and how it may affect Bondora doing business in England with the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority). The FCA is the securities regulatory agency that oversees the p2p lending industry in England.

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