Il blog di Bondora

Segui il blog di Bondora per suggerimenti sulla finanza personale, notizie su Bondora, idee sugli investimenti ed altro ancora!

Balancing Risks and Rewards – Meet Bondora’s Head of Credit Risk

Dear readers, today you can learn more about Bondora Group’s Head of Credit Risk, Tomas Bouska. He’s our 41st Bondorian in the Spotlight and also the only Czech in the company 🇨🇿 Tomas loves completing tasks, ensuring we have the right mechanisms to support our customers, and, of course, getting data, data, and more data!…
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Your Eight Essential Tips for Smart Summer Spending

Summer is upon us, bringing longer days, warmer weather, and a tempting array of activities and travel opportunities. Whether you're planning a beach getaway, a cultural city tour, or simply enjoying the local festivities, it's easy to get carried away and with summer spending. But fear not! With some strategic planning and mindful habits, you…
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Celebrating Success: Bondora Alumni at Flowstep

Have you ever wondered what sparks the creation of a groundbreaking startup? Join us behind the scenes of one such story, one with roots in Bondora. Picture this: A group of talented individuals are building something incredible at Bondora, each bringing their unique skills and perspectives to the table. Among them were Kaarel Roben, former…
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Statistiche mensili del Gruppo Bondora aprile 2024

Welcome to our monthly stats post for April. It's your dose of insights into our growth and performance. It's all the numbers, updates, and statistics you want to see in a brief but informative read.  Grab your coffee, and let's dive into Bondora Group's April news and statistics.  New Investors  In April, 1,984 more people…
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La tua Guida al Successo Finanziario attraverso le Fasi della Vita

Durante le varie fasi della vita, sperimenterai sfide e opportunità uniche. Durante questo viaggio, le tue priorità finanziarie e le sfide si evolvono, plasmando il tuo percorso verso i tuoi obiettivi di benessere finanziario. Che tu stia giusto entrando nella prima età adulta o che stia per andare in pensione, capire come superare le diverse…
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New Record: Bondora Group Monthly Stats March 2024

In March, our investors added a total of €31,559,188 to their Bondora accounts. This is our highest-ever investment amount! Read more:
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🌍Not Lost in Translation: Meet Pille Lamp, Bondora’s Localization Expert

Today, we introduce you to Pille Lamp, our 40th Bondorian in the Spotlight. She speaks 8 languages, loves cats and nature, and will conquer linguistic bugs wherever she goes. Read on to learn more about the intricacies of her daily tasks, what she loves most about working in marketing, and how she’s embraced being our…
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🔴2024 Q&A Video with Bondora CEO

Welcome to our 2024 Q&A with Pärtel Tomberg, the CEO and Co-founder of Bondora. Thank you for your interest and for sending in all your questions. Pärtel answered the most-asked ones. In this video, Pärtel talks about our plans to improve the current investor experience, his 5-year vision for Bondora, how we are building trust,…
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✨ Statistiche Mensili Nuove e Rinnovate

Benvenuti nel rinnovato riassunto mensile di Bondora! Questa è la tua dose mensile di approfondimenti sulla nostra crescita e performance. È tutto ciò che vuoi vedere in una lettura breve ma informativa, con tutti i numeri e le statistiche. Prenditi il caffè e immergiamoci nelle statistiche di gennaio e febbraio del Gruppo Bondora. Nuovi investitori…
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5 Modi Semplici per Fare una Pulizia di Primavera delle Tue Finanze

Con l'avvicinarsi della primavera, non sono solo le nostre case a poter beneficiare di una pulizia di primavera - anche le nostre finanze potrebbero farlo! Proprio come liberiamo il disordine e la polvere dai nostri spazi abitativi, mettere in ordine le abitudini finanziarie può portare a un futuro finanziario più sano. Quindi, ecco 5 modi…
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