A skeptical investor visits Bondora

Last August Bondora had an unusual guest for 1 month. We were contacted by a student from Stockholm School of Economics, who also happened to be our investor, asking for a possibility of an internship.Madis Teinemaa - skeptical investor

As Madis Teinemaa explained us, he wanted to understand if Bondora was a sustainable platform and could not come up with a better plan than to take a look from the inside. We offered him such an opportunity, briefed him on our confidentiality rules and invited Madis in after having signed the NDA agreement.

Madis spent 2 weeks overlooking the work of our loan analyst team, which receives and processes all loan applications. Then, for another 2 weeks, he switched to our marketing department, to try himself in investor relations and processing investor requests.

“I have been investing since the age of 15. Now I am 20, studying at Stockholm School of Economics in Riga. My main investment experience so far has been with stock exchange markets, but as soon as I came across peer-lending platforms, I started monitoring  them closely and experimenting little by little.”

Madis explained that his interest in Bondora was connected with the fact that he was planning to move all of his stock exchange investments onto our platform. After 4 weeks that he spent with us, his skepticism faded. “Bondora people are constantly prompted to solve new business development issues, which creates a better, constantly perfected product for investors. I am convinced it is a big advantage to the platform in the long run,” says Madis and continues, “what impressed me most of all is the detail, with which the company reviews borrowers’ creditworthiness. All Bondora borrowers have to comply with many requirements (ID, home address and national debt registries being some of them).”

Madis is now continuing his education, while actively investing on the platform and developing his own investment consultancy practice.

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