Direct Sell feature on the Secondary Market

Welcome to another weekly video post from Bondora.

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Last week we talked about the Benefits of the Personal Statistics page, so make sure you check it out if you missed it.

This week, we covered the ’Direct Sell’ feature and how it allows you to sell loans to specific investors on the platform. This gives investors the opportunity to reach an agreement with each other to sell their loans and also agree on the terms of sales before making the transaction.

Direct Sell Feature

Some of our technical investors even use the feature to strengthen their investments and as a private investor, you may find this feature useful in grouping your investments into a company account. The feature is absolutely free and easy to use.

To try it out, simply log in to your ’Investments’ page, click the sales cart icon to select the loans, click ’Sell all’, select the option to ’Sell to a specific user’ from the pop-up, enter the username of the investor, click continue and then finally sign the contract.

See you next week!

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