Check out our new notification feature

At Bondora, we’ve always believed in clear and open communication with our users. This is why we offer easy to access, up to date analytics and customization so you always have what you need.

Today we’re taking that approach one step further.

We have released a new notification feature so you have the latest news on changes and updates at Bondora. This will be a fast, but unobtrusive way for us to keep you informed of things like platform updates, upcoming events, news, campaigns, and of course newest investment opportunities.

You can see all the notifications by clicking on the bell icon on the top right once you’ve logged in. The red dot indicates if new notifications have been added.

Bondora notification feature

Use our notifications to get the most of what we have to offer. As our user base grows, we’re able to create greater functionality and broader investment opportunities for users. Also, be sure to share feedback at any time. We’re always looking for ways to improve the platform and put more ownership in the hands of our users.

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  • Flexible Rückzahlungsmöglichkeiten
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