July showed overall growth for Bondora

July has been a month of growth for Bondora, with increases in investments, loan originations, recoveries and secondary market transactions. The number of investors has also continued to grow. July started off with exciting news: Partial payouts have ended and new loans are being added to the Go & Grow portfolio again. In other words, Go & Grow is back to normal. This opens up more opportunities for our investors, kicking off the last half of 2020 on a positive note. Read on for a short summary of July’s market statistics and what it means for you as an investor.

Bondora saw growth
Bondora saw growth across nearly all market categories.

At the end of July, the Bondora platform has a total of 130,054 investors who have deposited over €376M and earned more than €46M in returns. More and more people are discovering the simplicity of Bondora and how easy it is to grow their money.

Bondora stats

As anticipated, Go & Grow took a considerably larger share in product funding, now that it’s investing as usual again. It saw a mammoth increase of 286.2% on the month. Although growth was to be expected, this noticeable increase is certainly welcoming. The total investment funding for July across all our products was €3,037,495. Of that total, Go & Grow’s share was €959,901.

The Secondary Market saw a spike in activity during July, rising with 3% from June’s total of €530,379.21. The total value of transactions that took place added up to €546,046.56. This is the first increase in activity since March, and the positive growth we’ve been waiting for.

Recoveries saw a gradual increase in performance counts, coming in at 61,350 loans being in the recovery and collection process. The Bailiff phase had the highest count, staying in line with June’s numbers.

Loan originations are still only taking place in Estonia for the foreseeable future. The decision to possibly restart Finnish and Spanish loans will be reviewed at the end of September. The loan origination for Estonia totaled €3,037,495 in July, rising progressively from June’s €2,010,847.

If you enjoy these breakdowns, follow our blog for weekly, more in-depth analyses of the Bondora market. Every month we take a detailed look at:

  • Product investments
  • Recoveries
  • Portfolio performance
  • Secondary Market
  • Loan originations

So stay tuned to better determine your investment strategy, loan portfolio preferences, and more.

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