Withdrawing money from Go & Grow – Bondora (Video)

If you want to make a withdrawal from your Bondora account, keep watching. We’re going to show you how easy it is to withdraw money from your account via Wallet.

Withdrawing money from your account is quick and straightforward. There are just 2 steps.

First you withdraw money from your investment product, for example, Go & Grow, to Wallet. Then Wallet shows you all the money that’s available for you to use. From there, you simply withdraw money straight to your bank account. And that’s it!

Here’s how you do it:

  1. Select the Go & Grow account you want to withdraw money from and click on the burger menu icon.
  2. Click on Transfer to Wallet.
  3. On the next page, enter the amount you want to withdraw and click Confirm. Remember: You’ll pay the €1 withdrawal fee only when withdrawing from Go & Grow to Wallet.
  4. Once the money is in Wallet, you can withdraw it to your bank account from the Withdraw tab.
  5. If you decide you don’t want to withdraw it, you can either leave it there and withdraw at a later stage, or invest it via other products (Portfolio Manager or Portfolio Pro).
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